Middletown 61st Annual Veterans Day Parade
Middletown - On November 4th, 2018 Middletown held its 61st annual Veterans Day Parade. Originally called Armistice Day to honor those who fought in WWI and expanded to celebrate all veterans, Veterans Day is a day dedicated to the cause of world peace. Many local groups and politicans came out to show their gratitude to the veterans in our community including police, fire, EMTs, various boyscout and girlscout troops, marching bands from Middletown High School North as well as South, Freeholders Jon Curley and Gerald Scharfenberger, PhD. and Middletown Township's Committee members. The VFW Post 2179 held a gathering after the parade had concluded for participants and onlookers alike to gather and spend time with veterans, hear their stories, and learn more about the VFW.