Rally For the Rives EcoFest 2019
Rumson - At Victory Park an artist was creating a statue of a sea horse, but instead of plaster or some other building material, she was using trash that had been picked up on local beaches. This was but one example of the many present at this year’s Rally for the Rivers EcoFest. Run by Clean Ocean Action, this annual event seeks to raise awareness to issues affecting our local marine ecosystem and how we can help protect it. Local environmental groups came out to show the challenges they were facing and the progress they were making. One group gave an update on the oysters that had been placed at Weapon Station Earl and their amazing ability to clean up the surrounding waters. Another group shared the benefits of purchasing bee friendly and native plants to our Two River area to reduce the need for chemicals in the soil that end up nearby streams and rivers. Students from RFH along with their biology teacher Michael Haughwout spread awareness for the terrapin as well as research they were doing. Representatives from waste management were also present to spread the word of the issues “flushable” wipes can cause to the local sewage system. Another group shared information on alternative energy suppliers who could provide clean energy at less cost. All present had a renewed passion and urgency to do more to be good stewarts for our local ecosystem.