Fair Haven Mayor's Cup & Irwin Cup Regatta 2019
Fair Haven - As the sun rose on July 5th, 2019 sailors from Monmouth Boating Club, Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club, Shrewsbury Sailing & Yacht Club, and Shrewsbury River Yacht Club docked their ships at the SSYC's club house for the 7th annual Mayors Cup race. Joining them were youngers members of the Monmouth Boat Club and Fair Haven Sailing Club River Rats would race in their Optis. Ship captains met in the club house to discuss the course for the day. The cruising ships and one designs would run a bridge race starting by SSYC heading over to a marker over by Red Bank, then turn and head over towards the Oceanic Bridge then turn and finish in front of the SSYC Clubhouse. Younger sailors had a a simpler course they ran multiple times. It was a close race, but at the end of the day the winner of the NJYRA Irwin Bowl/Mayor's Cup went to the one design ship, Bolt from SRYC. Of the cruising vessels, SRYC's War Horse took home first place for the third year in a row followed closely by MBC's Nereid.