2019 Jack Moore Fitness Challenge

Fair Haven - Listening to Robert and Christine Moore talk about their son Jack, you can't help but get the picture of a young man with such a bright future. Tragically, Jack Moore lost the fight with his depression in August 2015. The Jack Moore Fitness Challenge, now in it's third year, was started by his parents to keep Jack's love of fitness and competition alive. From burpees and push ups to battle rope and a massive tug-of-war, participants of all ages took turns at each of the ten fitness challenges to see which team would come out on top. Money raised from the event goes towards the Friends of Jack Moore Scholarship Fund as well as the Mental Health Association of Monmouth County. At the end of the event, Christine Moore reminded all in attendence about the importance of reaching out and checking on someone whom you think might need a little extra support. That simple act could mean the world to someone dealing with the daily struggle that is depression. If you are in emotional distress, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or NJ Hopeline 1-855-654-6735 and remember you are not alone.